Artworks & Books for sale

All books are an edition of 30 copies, numbered and signed. They are printed on 90gsm coated paper (matt finish) with 135gsm covers.

Lockdown   Gone Viral   Relics

Lockdown (24 pages)

Click image for contents page and extracts.


Gone Viral  (24 pages)

Click image for contents page and extracts.


Relics (32 pages)

Click image for contents page and extracts.



"Lockdown, Gone Viral and Relics demonstrate the agile hybridity of Gerry Smith’s work, encompassing concretism, absurdism, text, visuals, glyphs and glitches.

Lockdown is a slowly changing text fugue on stasis, where we drift from one state to another without really going anywhere.

Gone Viral deftly détournes pandemic tropes and signalling, with message and meaning fragmenting and parting company, if indeed they were ever acquainted in the first place.

Relics is a mash up of systems and registers, from gnomic narratives about boxed wine and falling pianos, to QR codes, binary and Jerome K. Jerome via DNA sequencing.

These books show Smith to be simultaneously artist and writer and something else entirely, identifiably part of an experimental lineage but with an aesthetic, both ludic and lucid, all of his own."

Tom Jenks (ed. zimZalla)


Prices: The books are £15 (plus P+P) or all three for £30 (plus P+P)

Browsing - further images can be supplied on request.

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Enquiries about artworks should also be made to the email address above.